On Thursday, Oct. 20th we will be hosting the first round of football playoffs at Gene Danielsen Field in Salem between McCook Central / Montrose and Sioux Valley. Game time will be 7:00pm. This is now a SDHSAA event, so no local passes will be accepted. Prices will be $7 for adults and $5 for students.
over 2 years ago, Doug Durfee
The 2021/2022 Yearbooks are in, please stop in the office to pick up.
over 2 years ago, Tanya Schock
We have wrapped up our In-Service and our staff is ready for the first day of school tomorrow (Thursday, August 18th). A reminder to utilize the main entrance. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone for the 2022-2023 school year! -Mr. Alley, Superintendent
over 2 years ago, Mr. Alley
Mr. Nebelsick Presents to our Staff
Big things are coming for the McCook Central High School Marching Band! Read our News Article to learn about their show The Music Maker this fall: https://www.mccookcentral.k12.sd.us/article/780051
over 2 years ago, McCook Central School District #43-7