Players' meeting Wed Aug 2 @ 6PM for any 9-12 student interested in the upcoming football season. We will hand out forms, information, equipment, & schedules. Can't make the meeting, please contact Coach Schroeder. 1st practice will be Thur Aug 3 @ 7AM.
-Coach Schroeder
Please check out the start date for Fall Practices!
Get your 2023 Cross Country Apparel at the following URL:
Sale ends July 31st.
Just a reminder that we will be having the MCM Girls Basketball Camp Tuesday, July 11th & Wednesday, July 12th @ the Montrose School Gym
Incoming 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade will be @ 8:30am – 10:00am
Incoming 6th, 7th & 8th grade will be @ 10:30am-12 noon
If you have not paid for camp, please send along with your daughter(s) to camp. $35 per girl but if additional sisters then $65 per family total.
Please make checks payable to McCook Central/MCM Girls Basketball.
Hope everyone has had a great start to your summer. We are very excited to get rolling with basketball camp & see you all there!
Thank you,
Coach Struck
Coach Jess
Coach Schock
A reminder, there will be NO Summer Reading Program this week (Wednesday, July 5th), the summer reading program will resume next week on Wednesday, July 12th. Happy Independence Day from McCook Central School District!
The 2023-24 MCM athletic schedules have been published. You can view these by clicking here: or by visiting either school's website, and click on MENU, then ATHLETICS, select the corresponding Sport.
Summer Reading Program Kicks Off tomorrow (Wednesday, June 7th) at 9am. More information using this link:
Congrats to the State A Track Meet medal winners for MCM.
Brandy Pulse - 4th in 100m Hurdles, 2nd in 300m Hurdles
Aubyn Schmidt - 3rd in Discus
Mandi Schock - 4th in Triple Jump
Paul Kaffar - 3rd in Triple Jump
Good luck to the MCM state track participants this weekend.
McCook Central will dismiss on Fri. May 19 at 1 pm. Please check out the 23-24 calendar on our website:
2022-2023 Graduation Live Stream Link -
If your daughter is interested in volleyball, there will be a Volleyball Academy this summer hosted by the MCM volleyball team and coaches. Please fill out the following form to register.
The MCM Sports Awards will be held on Tuesday, May 9th at 7pm in Montrose.
The track meet in Parker scheduled for tomorrow, May 6th has been canceled due to weather.
Senior Walkthrough next Tues May 9 @ 8:15am, please try to have students here by 8am. Board Meeting Moved from Mon (5/8) to Tues (5/9) @ 5pm
The MCM Driver's Ed class is full and we will no longer be taking any more applications.
Watch tonight's K-12 Grade Spring Music Concert at the following URL -
There will be a Grades 6-11 Girls Basketball meeting in Montrose @ 6:00pm this Sunday, April 30th. If you cannot make the meeting please get a hold of Coach Struck at or 605-940-3249. Thank you.
Reminder: Early Dismissal at 1pm tomorrow (Wednesday, April 26th).
This is you last reminder to get your 2022-2034 yearbooks order by next Friday, April 28. You will need to order online at If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Shelley Weber at